Ellen Johnston

VP of Network Membership


(401) 529-1717

Ellen, as the Vice President of Network Membership, plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the Modern Teacher National Network. Her primary objective is to drive the expansion of the network to help realize the organization's vision of modern learning at scale.

Ellen is dedicated to supporting school districts as they embark on their journey towards modernizing their educational practices. She understands the immense potential that exists to transform learning experiences by fostering a culture, building a community, and cultivating a shared identity within each school district across the nation.

By leveraging her expertise and experience, Ellen collaborates closely with districts to provide them with the necessary resources, guidance, and support. She helps them navigate the process of implementing modern teaching methodologies and integrating technology effectively into their classrooms. Ellen is passionate about empowering educators and administrators, as well as engaging with students, parents, and the broader community to create a holistic approach to education.